
Academic Calendar 2022/23

Mathematics and Statistics


Data Analysis Post-baccalaureate certificate

Data analysis is the science of correctly collecting data, assessing it for trustworthiness, extracting information from it, and presenting it in a comprehensible informative way. These skills are vital to institutions such as government, business, or health care where sound decisions must be made based on data and the way it is interpreted.

Students will acquire the skills needed to extract reliable information from large data sets. With carefully designed courses taken in both computing and statistics, students will gain the data-base skills needed to house, extract, manipulate, and maintain data, and will learn the statistical techniques needed to collect data correctly, assess its quality, analyze it, and present the information effectively to decision makers. The industry standard statistical software environments SAS and R will be used throughout.

Entrance requirements

  1. A Bachelor's degree from a recognized institution.
  2. Completion of high school calculus or pre-calculus at the Grade 12 level, or university-level calculus with a grade of C or better. Applicants may also satisfy this requirement by completing both of the following:
    • Prerequisites for COMP 150, or completion of one of COMP 120, COMP 150, COMP 152, or COMP 155.
    • Prerequisites for STAT 106, completion of STAT 106, or a score of 155 or higher on the Quantitative Reasoning section of the Graduate Records Examinations (GRE).
  3. Applicants must meet the Degree/diploma level English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, see the English language proficiency requirement section of the calendar.

When to apply

The program begins in the Fall semester. Applicants who do not have an introductory computer and/or statistics course in their undergraduate degree as per the entrance requirements will be conditionally admitted to the Summer semester to complete these courses. The deadline to apply is February 1. Applicants received after this will be processed if there is space available in the program. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

Apply online at .

Additional documents required for a complete application:

  • Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section.

Program duration

Students must complete 11 courses, for a total of 34 or 35 credits. The certificate can be earned in 14 months, beginning in May and finishing at the end of June the following year. Those students who begin the program with credit for COMP 120, COMP 150, COMP 152, or COMP 155 and either STAT 106 or MATH 270/STAT 270 can earn the certificate in about 10 months, beginning in September and finishing at the end of the following June. Students planning to complete the DAC within 12 months may need a B or better in STAT 106 in order to have the prerequisites in place for all of their Fall courses. For a detailed schedule, see the Typical program plan section below.

Program outline

Required courses

Course Title Credits
One of: 3-4
COMP 120 Computing for the Sciences  
COMP 150 Introduction to Programming  
COMP 152 Introduction to Structured Programming  
COMP 155 Object-oriented Programming  
STAT 106 Statistics I (see Note) 4
or MATH 270/STAT 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics  
STAT 271 Introduction to Data Analysis and Statistical Modeling 3
STAT 272 Statistical Graphics and Languages 3
COMP 230 Databases and Database Management Systems (formerly CIS 230) 3
COMP 331/ STAT 331 Data Quality 3
STAT 315 Applied Regression Analysis 3
COMP 381 Introduction to Machine Learning 3
or STAT 431/ COMP 431 Data Mining  

Note: Students planning to complete the DAC within 12 months may need a B or better in STAT 106 in order to have the prerequisites in place for all of their Fall courses.

Elective courses

Students must choose three courses from the following:

Course Title Credits
STAT 307 Data Visualization 3
STAT 330 Design of Experiments 3
STAT 350 Survey Sampling 3
STAT 402 Applied Generalized Linear Models and Survival Analysis 3
STAT 430 Time Series and Forecasting 3
STAT 470 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis 3
COMP 380 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (see Note) 3
CIS 385 Project Management 3
COMP 430 Advanced Database Topics (formerly CIS 430) 3
COMP 455 Extreme Computing (see Note) 3

Note: Prerequisites for this course include courses that are not included in the DAC curriculum. Students who wish to use this course as an elective in the DAC should speak with an Academic Advisor.

Co-operative Education option

Co-operative Education (Co-op) combines academic studies with relevant work experience. Academic semesters alternate with work terms, providing students work experience that draws upon and reinforces the skills that they have been building in the classroom and lab, as well as opportunities to meet with potential employers in their field of study.

Co-op students must complete 10 courses as well as a four-month Co-op work term in the Summer semester directly before their final academic semester. The certificate with Co-op option can be earned in about 18 months, beginning in July and finishing in December of the following year. Those students who begin the program with credit for STAT 106 or MATH 270/STAT 270 can earn the certificate in about 16 months, beginning in September and finishing in December of the following year. For a detailed schedule, see the Typical program plan (Co-op option) section below.

Co-op work term

In order to satisfy the requirements of the Data Analysis Post-Baccalaureate certificate (Co-op option), students must complete two four-month semesters of academic study (9 credits each), followed by a four-month Co-op work term (typically during a Summer semester), followed by one more semester of academic study (9 credits). Some students will also need to initially begin with a July–August Summer semester with STAT 106 (4 credits). Students who complete all of the academic requirements of the certificate but do not complete the Co-op semester may still earn the Data Analysis Post-baccalaureate certificate without a Co-op option designation.

For more information about Co-op programs at 51ÎÛÂþ, see the Co-operative Education section of the calendar.

Typical program plan

Semester I: Summer (May–August)

Early Summer session (May–June)

  • COMP 150 (if necessary)

Late Summer session (July–August)

  • STAT 106 (if necessary)

    Note: Students planning to complete the DAC within 12 months may need a B or better in STAT 106 in order to have the prerequisites in place for all of their Fall courses.

Semester II: Fall (September–December)

  • STAT 271
  • STAT 272
  • COMP 230
  • STAT 350 or STAT 330

Semester III: Winter (January–April)

  • STAT 307
  • STAT 315
  • COMP 331/STAT 331
  • One of STAT 402, STAT 430, or STAT 470

Semester IV: Early Summer session (May–June)

  • COMP 381 or STAT 431/COMP 431

Typical program plan (Co-op option)

Semester I: Summer (May–August)

Early Summer session (May–June)

  • COMP 150 (if necessary)

Late Summer session (July–August)

  • STAT 106 (if necessary)

Semester II: Fall (September–December)

  • STAT 271
  • STAT 272
  • COMP 230

Semester III: Winter (January–April)

  • STAT 307
  • STAT 315
  • COMP 331/STAT 331

Semester IV: Summer (May–August)

  • Co-op work term

Semester V: Fall (September–December)

  • STAT 350 or STAT 330
  • One of STAT 402, STAT 430, or STAT 470
  • STAT 431/COMP 431 or COMP 381

Program continuance

Students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100 or higher) must maintain a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled in Good Academic Standing at 51ÎÛÂþ. Students in Good Academic Standing will have no registration limits placed on them. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to academic suspension from studies at 51ÎÛÂþ. Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation are limited to registering in 10 credits. For further details, see the Academic standing and undergraduate continuance section of the academic calendar. Academic standing is governed by 51ÎÛÂþ's .

Course repetition

A maximum of three repeated courses are permitted without dean’s approval. Where a course has been repeated, only the higher grade is counted in the GPA calculation.


Students must complete at least 21 of the credits numbered 200 or higher required for the certificate (excluding Co-op) at 51ÎÛÂþ.

Graduation requirements

Students are responsible for ensuring they are eligible to graduate, and should regularly consult with an Academic Advisor. To be eligible to graduate, students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00 on all 11 courses (34-35 credits) required to complete the program.

To graduate from the Data Analysis certificate, students must have completed the requirements of a university degree.

Students must apply for graduation in the first month of their final semester. Visit the Graduation webpage for more information. The final deadline for students who wish to attend the June Convocation ceremony is April 1 of each year, with all program requirements completed by April 30.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

Current Students