
Academic Calendar 2022/23

Grading and Academic Standing

Some of the policies 51ÎÛÂþ has established are listed below. For a complete list of UFV policies please see 51ÎÛÂþ's online . For more information about 51ÎÛÂþ regulations inquire at the Office of the Registrar. For additional regulations for graduate-level programs, see the General Regulations for Graduate Studies in the Graduate studies section of this calendar.

Grading and academic records

51ÎÛÂþ’s grading system reflects a commitment to high academic standards while encouraging students to explore the curriculum. The following system is used for all courses taken at 51ÎÛÂþ:

Grading systems

There are two grading systems at 51ÎÛÂþ, the letter grading system and the credit/no credit grading system, outlined in sections A and B, below. The grading system for a course is established through the undergraduate or graduate course approval process.

Other grades and notations are listed in section C.

A. Letter grading system (grades applicable to the GPA)

Letter grades are used for most academic, technical, and career-oriented courses. Letter grades also may be used for non-credit courses, in which case the grades do not apply to the GPA.

Standard percentage equivalencies are used to determine the final letter grade. The final percentage will be rounded to the nearest using standard mathematical practice (i.e. if the first digit after the decimal place is 5 or higher, rounding is to the next higher integer) before converting to a letter grade.

Undergraduate and preparatory level grading scale


Percentage equivalent

Grade point value
































<50 (fail)





Note 1: Some programs may require that courses be completed with a specified letter grade higher than a D; this requirement will be specified in the 51ÎÛÂþ academic calendar. In these cases, courses graded D or higher, but lower than the program minimum, will not meet the requirements for these programs but may be accepted as elective credits in other programs.

Note 2: Some programs, to meet external accreditation and/or certification standards, require a higher minimum percentage to pass program courses. In such cases a fail (F) grade may be assigned at a higher percentage.

Note 3: An FD grade denotes a fail due to academic discipline and is included in the GPA calculation. Rules for assigning an FD grade are found in the Regulations and Procedures document of 51ÎÛÂþ's . The FD grade is changed to an F on the transcript after a period of 12 months provided the student successfully completes a workshop on Academic Integrity through the Academic Success Centre, and commits no further violations during the 12 month period. Otherwise, the FD remains.

B. Credit/no credit grading system (grades not applicable to the GPA)

Credit/no credit grading may be used in courses where students are graded on the basis of broad performance evaluation or acquisition of defined skills, such as for practica, work placements, internships, or non-credit courses.




Credit granted


No credit granted

C. Other grades and notations (not applicable to the GPA)

The grades in this section are used for particular purposes and may be used with either letter grading or credit/no credit grading, as required.

Permanent grades




Aegrotat standing. A compassionate pass, approved by the dean, based on satisfactory term marks when a student is unable to complete a course due to serious, documented extenuating circumstances.


Audit. No credit is granted for the course.


Audit expectations not met. No credit is granted for the course.


Withdrawn. No credit is granted for the course.


Transfer credit granted. Successful completion of course(s) when a grade equivalent cannot be determined.

Temporary notations

Temporary notations are used in specific circumstances when a final grade is not available. They will be replaced by a permanent grade, when available.




Incomplete. Course requirements to be completed at a pre-determined time.


In Progress. Course or thesis work continues into the next semester.


No grade reported.

For the graduate grading system, see General Regulations for Graduate Studies.

Grade Point Average

A semester GPA and cumulative GPA are calculated after each semester and recorded on the student’s official transcript. The cumulative GPA is defined as the numerical average of grades based on all courses taken at 51ÎÛÂþ within a particular level of study, e.g. preparatory, undergraduate, graduate, etc.

When a course or an equivalent course is repeated, only the higher grade is included in the GPA calculation. See 51ÎÛÂþ's Course Repeat policy (86) for more information.

Grades which are not included in the GPA calculation include, but are not limited to, withdrawals, audit grades, temporary grades, and courses graded on a Credit/No credit basis. Grades assigned for assessments, including course challenges and portfolio assessments, are not included in the GPA calculation.

To calculate GPA:

  1. Multiply the number of credits for each course by the grade point value of the grade to determine course grade points. Omit any courses that have been repeated with a higher grade.
  2. Add up the course grade points.
  3. Divide the total course grade points by the total number of credits.

Incomplete grades

An Incomplete (I) grade is a temporary grade or notation that may be assigned:

  • at the instructor’s discretion, when a student is unable, due to extenuating circumstances, to complete all the requirements of a course by the end of the semester and has made sufficient progress and achievement to warrant additional time for completion, or
  • when academic misconduct is being investigated, until the investigation is complete.

The final grade must be received in the Office of the Registrar on or before the last day of the month following the month in which the course ends, unless an extension to that date is approved by the appropriate dean, director, or department head and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. If the final grade has not been received by the date specified above and an extension has not been submitted, the “I” grade will be changed to a final grade of “F” (fail) by the Office of the Registrar.

Final grade appeal

Students who have cause to appeal may appeal final grades. Students may not appeal individual items of work inclusive of examinations, quizzes, projects, assignments, practicums, or field work assessments except in the context of an appeal of the final grade.

See 51ÎÛÂþ's or visit for more information.

Amendment of permanent record

A course and accompanying grade may not be deleted from the permanent record. However, only the higher grade of a repeated course is calculated into the GPA.

An instructor may change the grade of a student with the consent of the appropriate department head.

A course and accompanying grade may not be deleted from the permanent record, except as follows:

  • An instructor may change the grade of a student with the consent of the appropriate dean.
  • A late withdrawal may be granted in extenuating circumstances. If granted, a grade of “W” (withdrawal) is assigned. For more information, please see the course withdrawal section.

Note: Although grades for all attempted courses remain on the student’s permanent record, only the higher grade of a repeated course is calculated into the GPA.


Students may obtain official transcripts of their permanent records from the Office of the Registrar at a cost of $10 each.

Academic standing and undergraduate continuance

51ÎÛÂþ encourages students to take responsibility for success in their studies. To that end, 51ÎÛÂþ will encourage students who do not meet minimum requirements to stop and reassess their goals.

The Undergraduate Continuance policy applies to all undergraduate students attending 51ÎÛÂþ. A student’s academic standing, based on grade point averages, determines their enrolment status and any conditions associated with that status, including the ability to continue as a student of 51ÎÛÂþ. See for more information on academic standing.

Continuance requirements for graduate studies are in the General Regulations for Graduate Studies section of this calendar.

Standing required for continuance

All students accepted into a program at 51ÎÛÂþ are expected to maintain acceptable standards of scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.00 CGPA on all courses. Some programs may have a continuance requirement which is higher than the institutional standard.

Undergraduate Continuance policy

Academic standing is governed by 51ÎÛÂþ’s . A student’s undergraduate grade point average determines their academic standing at the university and conditions associated with that status, including the ability to continue as an undergraduate student at 51ÎÛÂþ. Students must maintain an undergraduate CGPA of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled and in good academic standing at 51ÎÛÂþ. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirements will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to a student being withdrawn from the university. Academic standing will be permanently reflected on a student’s academic record and will appear on the transcript.

The academic standing of all students enrolled in undergraduate courses (i.e. courses considered university studies or college-level career, technical, or academic studies, up to and including completion of a bachelor degree) will be determined after nine credits applicable to the CGPA have been attempted, at nine-credit intervals until 27 credits applicable to the CGPA have been attempted, and then at the end of every semester.

One of the following statuses will be assigned at each checkpoint:

  • Good academic standing, when a student has a minimum CGPA of 2.00.
  • Academic warning, when a new student or a student who has been in good academic standing has a CGPA less than 2.00 at a checkpoint.
  • Academic probation, when a student on academic warning has a CGPA below 2.00 at the next checkpoint.
  • Continued academic probation, when a student on academic probation has a semester GPA of 2.00 but the CGPA is less than 2.00 at the next checkpoint.
  • Required to withdraw, when a student on academic probation has a semester GPA and CGPA below 2.00 at a checkpoint.

If a student on academic warning or academic probation achieves a minimum CGPA of 2.00 at the end of a semester, the student will be returned to good academic standing. Students will be notified by the registrar or designate when they are placed on academic warning or probation, continued on probation, or required to withdraw.

Students on academic warning or probation are limited to registering in a maximum of 10 credits per semester except with permission of their program advisor, if applicable, or by a coordinator, associate director, or director responsible for advising, or their designate(s). Students requesting permission to take more than 10 credits must provide a written rationale and a plan for being successful with a heavier course load.

For assistance, see an Advisor or contact advising@ufv.ca.

Required to withdraw

A student who has been required to withdraw under the is not permitted to pursue undergraduate studies at 51ÎÛÂþ for a defined period as follows:

  1. The first time a student is required to withdraw, they are not eligible to attend for the following two semesters.
  2. A student who is required to withdraw a second time is not eligible to attend for four semesters.
  3. A student who is required to withdraw a third time will be considered for readmission only upon appeal after a minimum of three years. During the withdrawal period, students may be permitted to enrol in preparatory-level courses. Courses taken at another recognized post-secondary institution while required to withdraw from 51ÎÛÂþ will be considered for transfer credit upon readmission but will not affect the 51ÎÛÂþ CGPA.

See 51ÎÛÂþ's for more information.

Academic renewal

Academic renewal is a provision to allow returning undergraduate students who performed poorly in the past to eliminate their previous low grade point average (GPA).

Academic renewal may be available to a student who:

  • Has returned to UFV undergraduate studies after at least three years (36 months) absence from 51ÎÛÂþ undergraduate studies; and
  • Had an undergraduate cumulative GPA (CGPA) below 2.00 at UFV prior to readmission; and
  • Has completed at least 15 51ÎÛÂþ undergraduate credits applicable to the GPA, with a minimum GPA of 2.00 calculated on all undergraduate courses attempted, since readmission.

Students who have graduated with a credential are not eligible for academic renewal, except when the credential was developmental level or non-credit and none of the previous undergraduate courses were used to meet graduation requirements.

A student who wishes to request academic renewal must first consult with an Advisor, then submit a request to academicwarning@ufv.ca.

Academic renewal, if approved, excludes all undergraduate 51ÎÛÂþ courses taken prior to readmission, including passed courses, from the calculation of CGPA and program requirements. Academic renewal will be granted to a student only once.

See 51ÎÛÂþ's for more information.

Current Students