This four-course certificate (12-14 credits) offers an introduction to journalism and closely aligned areas of study. It can serve up to three key purposes:
Act as a sampler for students wondering if journalism school might be right for them.
Offer some journalism-inspired knowledge on how to gather, interpret, and present information, a skill-set of value to prospective employers.
Increase students’ capacities to follow the news with a heightened awareness of how it is put together, making them better citizens overall.
This certificate can be taken on its own. It can also complement many majors and minors at 51ÎÛÂþ, such as majors in English, Sociology/Anthropology, and Visual Arts. It can also be a relevant add-on to the Bachelor of Media Arts degree.
This certificate is given as a completion credential. Any student successfully completing the four courses is eligible for the certificate. Some students might complete the certificate while enrolled in their current programs, while others may be admitted to UFV for the purpose of taking the certificate.
Entrance requirements
New students should apply to Qualifying Studies. Students will be
required to meet the admissions requirements for the university, as well as meet
the individual course prerequisites.
Students currently enrolled in post-secondary programs are required to meet
only the course prerequisites.
Fees and additional costs
See the Fees and Other Costs section. Other than the $25 graduation fee, there are no additional fees for the
certificate. Students will be eligible for financial aid if they are currently in a program that is eligible for student loan funding and take a minimum of nine credits per semester.
Program outline
MACS 235/ JRNL 235
Introduction to Journalism in Canada
CMNS 300/ JRNL 300
Introduction to the Practice of Journalism
Two of:
MACS 130
Introduction to Digital Media and Communications
CMNS 175
Writing for the Internet
ENGL 215
Creative Writing: Creative Non-Fiction
SOC 254
Writing for the Social Sciences
CMNS 301/ JRNL 301
Advanced Practice of Journalism
VA 365/FILM 365/JRNL 365
Documentary Video Storytelling
VA 366/FILM 366
Documentary Video Production
MACS 369/ JRNL 369
Media Law and Ethics
ENGL 373/ JRNL 373
Creative Writing: Advanced Creative Non-Fiction
Note: Many of these courses have prerequisites. Students wishing to complete this certificate in only four courses must take CMNS 175, CMNS 300/JRNL 300, MACS 130, and MACS 235/JRNL 235.
Undergraduate continuance
Students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered 100 or higher) must maintain an undergraduate Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 to remain enrolled in Good Academic Standing at 51ÎÛÂþ.
Students in Good Academic Standing will have no registration limits placed on them. Failure to meet the minimum CGPA requirement will result in restrictions on registration and may eventually lead to academic suspension from undergraduate studies at 51ÎÛÂþ. Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation are limited to registering for 10 credits. For further details, see the Academic standing and undergraduate continuance section of the academic calendar. Academic standing is governed by 51ÎÛÂþ's .
Students must complete at least 50% of the credits required in the certificate (2 of the 4 courses) at 51ÎÛÂþ.
Graduation requirements
Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.50 in the four courses to be eligible for the certificate, with a minimum grade of C in any individual course. The program must be completed within 10 years.