
Academic Calendar 2022/23

Environmental Studies

English language proficiency requirements

Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the requirements. Students in ELS or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the with lower levels of language proficiency.

Please note that not all courses are offered every semester.

4 credits

Bioregional Communities

Prerequisite(s): 18 university-level credits including GEOG 111.

Uses the Fraser Lowlands as a laboratory for the development of multi-disciplinary and hands-on approaches to defining and sustaining our bioregion and the ecological and cultural communities within it.

Note: Field trips outside of class time will be required. Please refer to program website for field experience scheduling information.

ENV 299

1 credit

Environmental Portfolio I

Prerequisite(s): At least 30 credits, including GEOG 111 and ENV 200, and admission into the Bachelor of Environmental Studies program or Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Natural Sciences) program.

Portfolio development course focused on identifying and expanding on environmental linkages between required and elective courses within the BES and BES (Natural Sciences) program, ideas presented in courses and lived experiences, and academic experiences and employer expectations. Designed to be taken during the winter term of the student’s second year in BES or BES (Natural Sciences) program.

ENV 310

3 credits

Leadership in Environmental Professions

Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.

Develops leadership skills for use in environmental professions. Using case study analysis and guest lectures, learn about holistic, shared, and inclusive leadership principles and practices in facilitating environmental change and addressing environmental conflict. Students will build confidence in key leadership skills, learn from the lived experience of environmental professionals, and use case studies and management methods that aid transparency, communication, and accountability in environmental project and field work.

ENV 330

4 credits

Sustainable Fashion

Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.

Students will explore current impacts associated with the fashion industry, how sustainable fashion strategies are developed to respond to impacts, and how the role of communication affects consumer demands. Socio-cultural, economic, and environmental data is analyzed using real-world fashion case studies. Collaborative research projects will provide experiential learning opportunities.

Note: Field trips outside of class time may be required. Please refer to department website for field trip scheduling information.

Note: Students with credit for GEOG 300S cannot take this course for further credit.

ENV 399

1 credit

Environmental Portfolio II

Prerequisite(s): At least 45 credits, including ENV 299, and admission into the Bachelor of Environmental Studies program or Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Natural Sciences) program.

Portfolio development course focused on identifying and expanding on environmental linkages between required and elective courses within the BES program, ideas presented in courses and lived experiences, and academic experiences and employer expectations. Designed to be taken during the winter term of the student’s third year (between 60 and 90 credits) in the BES or BES (Natural Sciences) program.

ENV 410

4 credits

Environmental Seminar

Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits.

Seminar course structured for in-depth exploration of an environmental issue, body of literature, or research question. Topic will be approached from multiple disciplinary perspectives.

Note: This course will be offered under different letter designations (e.g. C-Z) representing different topics. This course may be repeated for credit provided the letter designation differs.

Note: Field trips outside of class time will be required. Please refer to program website for field experience scheduling information.

ENV 484

4 credits

Directed Studies in Environmental Studies

Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including at least nine credits of GEOG or ENV.

Students will work under the supervision of a faculty member with appropriate expertise to complete a unique experiential, applied, and/or research project. Students will advance their knowledge and skills using secondary materials in an environmental area of their choosing.

ENV 499

1 credit

Environmental Portfolio III

Prerequisite(s): At least 75 credits, including ENV 399, and admission into the Bachelor of Environmental Studies or Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Natural Sciences) program.

Advanced portfolio development course focused on identifying and expanding on environmental linkages between required and elective courses within the BES and BES (Natural Sciences) program, ideas presented in courses and lived experiences, and academic experiences and employer expectations. Designed to be taken during the winter term of the student’s final year in BES or BES (Natural Sciences) program.

Last extracted: February 10, 2023 02:55:16 PM

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