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Gillian Hatfield

Dr. Gillian Hatfield

Associate Professor

Faculty of Health Sciences, Kinesiology

Chilliwack campus at CEP, A3431

Phone: 604-504-7441 ext. 2217

email Gillian


After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Mount Allison University in 2004, Gillian graduated from Dalhousie University with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy in 2007. She worked clinically for two years in private practice while completing a Master of Science degree in Rehabilitation Research. Following her MSc degree, Gillian obtained a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Dalhousie University in 2013, where her research focused on developing prediction models for knee osteoarthritis progression based on gait biomechanics. 

In 2014 Gillian began a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Physical Therapy. She worked there, while teaching Biomechanics and Topics in Human Nutrition at Douglas College until September 2016, when she began working at the 51 full time.


PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 2013
MSc in Rehabilitation Research, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 2009
BSc in Physiotherapy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 2007
BSc in Biology/Chemistry, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB, 2004


Centre for Education and Research on Aging (Faculty Associate) 

51 Human Research Ethics Board (Chair as of September 2022) 

51 Animal Care Committee (Chair) 

51 Research Advisory Council (Chair) 

Canadian Society for Biomechanics

Teaching Interests

Biomechanics, Athletic Injuries and Rehabilitation

Research Interests

Gillian’s research interests lie in biomechanics and muscle activation patterns in clinical populations, such as people with knee osteoarthritis or low back pain. She is particularly interested in the effect of exercise interventions on biomechanical risk factors for progression.


Conference Podium Presentations

Hatfield GL. The effects of a dynamic core stability group exercise intervention on trunk muscle activity, strength, and endurance in people with and without a history of low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. North American Congress on Biomechanics. Ottawa, ON, 2022. 

Hubley-Kozey CL, Costello KE, Hatfield GL, Ikeda DM, Stanish WD, Astephen Wilson JL. The association between knee joint muscle activation and knee joint moment patterns during walking in moderate medial compartment knee osteoarthritis: Implications for intervention. World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Liverpool, UK, 2018.

Napier C, Hatfield G, Taunton JE, Hunt MA. The effect of fatigue on the biomechanics of recreational runners with patellofemoral pain. American College of Sports Medicine. San Diego, USA, 2015.

Hatfield G, Stanish W, Dunbar M, Astephen Wilson J, Hubley-Kozey C. Three-dimensional lower limb biomechanics during gait predict progression to total knee arthroplasty. World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Paris, France, 2014.

Hatfield G, Stanish W, Dunbar M, Astephen Wilson J, Hubley-Kozey C. Overall Magnitude Of Loading And Inability To Unload During Stance Predict Progression To Total Knee Arthroplasty. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. New Orleans, USA, 2014.

Hatfield G, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Three-dimensional knee biomechanics during gait predict knee osteoarthritis progression. World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2013

Hubley-Kozey C, Hatfield G, Stanish W. Muscle activation differences during walking exist in those with moderate knee osteoarthritis who progress to total knee arthroplasty and those that do not. World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2013

Astephen Wilson JL, Hatfield G, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Asymptomatic individuals with radiographic evidence of knee osteoarthritis walk with different knee mechanics patterns than symptomatic individuals with the same radiographic evidence. World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2013

Hatfield Murdock G, Hubley-Kozey C, Dunbar M. Pre-Total Knee Arthroplasty Gait Analysis Predicts Post-Operative Changes in Function and Joint Loading. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2012.

Hatfield G, Hubley-Kozey C, Stanish W. Quadriceps Impairment Affects Lower Extremity Joint Moments During Gait in Young Adults. Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2010.

Hatfield G, Hubley-Kozey C, Dunbar M. Effect of Total Knee Arthroplasty on the Total Support Moment During Gait. Canadian Society of Biomechanics. Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2010.

Hatfield G, Hubley-Kozey C, Deluzio K, Dunbar M. A Comparison of the Knee Moments and Muscle Activation Patterns in Medial vs Lateral Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis. Combined American and Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. Quebec City, Canada, 2008.

Hatfield G, Hubley-Kozey C, Stanish W. The Effects of Concentric Quadriceps Fatigue on Knee Angles and Knee Moments in Young Sedentary Females. Combined American and Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. Quebec City, Canada, 2008.

Hatfield G, Boulay J, Cameron C, Michaud L, Oliver B. The Effects of Concentric Quadriceps Fatigue on Knee Angles and Knee Moments During Gait in Young, Healthy Females. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Ottawa Ontario, 2008.

Hatfield G, Hubley-Kozey C, Deluzio K, Dunbar M. The Effect of Total Knee Replacement Surgery on Muscle Strength and Patient Function. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. Halifax, Canada, 2007.

Hatfield G, Hubley-Kozey C, Deluzio K, Dunbar M. Does Total Knee Replacement Surgery Improve Muscle Strength or is Therapeutic Intervention Required? Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress, Saint John, New Brunswick, 2006.

Conference Poster Presentations

Charlton JM, Hatfield GL, Guenette JA, Hunt MA. Lower leg biomechanics during toe-in and toe-out walking in people with knee osteoarthritis. 2018 Canadian Bone and Joint Conference. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, May 2018.

Hatfield GL, Cochrane CK, Takacs J, Krowchuk NM, Chang R, Hinman RS, Hunt MA. Comparison of frontal plane knee and ankle biomechanics of lateral wedge orthotics with and without a custom medial arch support in those with medial knee osteoarthritis and flat feet. 2016 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2016.

Hatfield G, Hammond C, Hunt MA. Clinical Tests of Balance in the Knee Osteoarthritis Population: A Systematic Review. 2015 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Seattle, Washington, USA, April 2015.

Hatfield G, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Does prolonged muscle activity during gait explain a decreased ability to unload the knee joint in those with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis? 2015 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Seattle, Washington, USA, April 2015.

Hatfield G, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Relationships Between Knee Adduction Moment Patterns Extracted Using Principal Component Analysis And The Knee Adduction Moment Peak And Impulse. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2014.

Hubley-Kozey C, Costello K, Hatfield G, Astephen Wilson J, Stanish W. Baseline 3D knee joint biomechanics and muscle activation patterns differ between those with moderate OA who have radiographic progression versus those who do not. 2014 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. Paris, France, 2014.

Hatfield Murdock G, Hubley-Kozey C, Dunbar M. Pre-Total Knee Arthroplasty Gait Analysis Predicts Post-Operative Changes in Function and Joint Loading. Canadian Society for Biomechanics. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2012.

Hatfield Murdock G, Hubley-Kozey C, Stanish W. Muscle Strength and Function in Knee Osteoarthritis are Affected by Physical Activity Level. Canadian Arthritis Network Meeting. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2011

Hatfield Murdock GL, Hurley S, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Effect of Valgus Unloader Brace Dosage On Knee Pain, Function and Muscle Strength. Canadian Arthritis Network Meeting. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2011.

Hatfield Murdock G, Hubley-Kozey C, Stanish W. Muscle Strength and Function in Knee Osteoarthritis are Affected by Physical Activity Level. 2011 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. San Diego, California, USA, 2011

Hatfield Murdock G, Hubley-Kozey C, Stanish W. Does Physical Activity Level Affect Gait Biomechanics in Those With Knee Osteoarthritis? 2011 World Congress on Osteoarthritis. San Diego, California, USA, 2011 

Hatfield Murdock GL, Hurley S, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Effect of Valgus Unloader Brace Dosage On Knee Pain, Function and Muscle Strength. Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society. St. John’s, Canada, 2011.

Hatfield GL, Hubley-Kozey C, Dunbar M. Predicting Patient Function and Joint Loading Post-Total Knee Replacement Using Muscle Activation Patterns. North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2008.


Hatfield, G. Effects of a Core Strengthening Program on Muscle Activity Patterns, Strength, and Endurance in People with and without a History of Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science. 2022: 10(3):37-46.

Hatfield GL, Lesser IA, Nienhuis CP. Utility of an outdoor group exercise program for improving postpartum mental health. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada. 2022;15(1):18-30. doi: 10.14288/hfjc.v15i1.807. 

Hatfield GL, Costello KE, Astephen Wilson JL, Stanish WD, Hubley-Kozey CL. The association between knee joint muscle activation and knee joint moment patterns during walking in moderate medial compartment knee osteoarthritis: implications for secondary prevention. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2021;102(10):1910-1917. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.03.038. 

Hatfield GL, Costello KE, Astephen Wilson JL, Stanish WD, Hubley-Kozey CL. Baseline gait muscle activation patterns differ for osteoarthritis patients who undergo total knee arthroplasty 5–8 years later from those who do not. Arthritis Care & Research. 2021; 73 (4): 549-558. doi: 10.1002/acr.24143.  

Hatfield GL, Lesser IA. Does body size impact muscle recruitment during law enforcement Physical Control Simulator use? Ergonomics. 2020; 63(12): 1551-60. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2020.1808247. 

Hannan-Leith MN, Dayan M, Hatfield G, Lalumiere ML, Albert AY, Brotto LA. Is Pelvic Floor sEMG a Measure of Women’s Sexual Response? Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2019; 16(1):70-82.Charlton JM, Hatfield GL, Guennette JA, Hunt MA. Ankle Joint and Rearfoot Biomechanics During Toe-In and Toe-Out Walking in People With Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2019; 11(5):503-511.

Charlton JM, Hatfield GL, Guennette JA, Hunt MA. Toe-in and toe-out walking require different lower limb neuromuscular patterns in people with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Biomechanics. 2018;76:112-118.

Hunt MA, Charlton JM, Krowchuk NM, Tse CT, Hatfield GL. Clinical and biomechanical changes following a four-month toe-out gait modification program for people with medial knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2018;26(7):903-911.

Charlton, JM, Krowchuk NM, Hatfield GL, Guenette JA, Hunt MA. Contralateral limb foot rotation during unilateral toe-in or toe-out walking in people with knee osteoarthritis. Gait and Posture. 2018;62:132-134.

Hunt MA and Hatfield GL. Ankle and knee biomechanics during normal walking following ankle plantarflexor fatigue. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2017; 35: 24 - 29.

Hunt MA, Takacs J, Krowchuk NM, Hatfield GL, Hinman RS, Chang R. Lateral wedges with and without customized arch support for people with medial knee osteoarthritis and flat feet: A randomized crossover trial. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.2017; 2: 10 - 20.

Hammond CL, Hatfield GL, Gilbart MK, Garland SJ, Hunt MA. Trunk and lower limb biomechanics during stair climbing in patients with and without symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement. Clinical Biomechanics. 2017; 42: 108-114.

Charlton JM, Hammond CA, Cochrane CK, Hatfield GL, Hunt MA. The effects of a heel wedge on hip, pelvis and trunk biomechanics during squatting in resistance trained individuals. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2017; 31(6):1678-87.

Hatfield GL, Cochrane CK, Hammond C, Charlton J, Napier C, Takacs J, Hunt MA. The biomechanical demands on the hip during progressive stepping tasks. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2016 Nov 29. Epub ahead of print.

Hatfield GL, Cochrane CK, Takacs J, Krowchuk NM, Chang R, Hinman RS, Hunt MA. Knee and ankle biomechanics with lateral wedges with and without a custom arch support in those with medial knee osteoarthritis and flat feet. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2016; 34(9):1597-605.

Hubley-Kozey CL and Hatfield G. Knee OA, biomechanics, and progression to TKA. Lower Extremity Review. September 2015.

Hatfield GL, Stanish WD, Hubley-Kozey CL. Relationship Between Knee Adduction Moment Patterns Extracted Using Principal Component Analysis and Discrete Measures with Different Amplitude Normalizations: Implications for Knee Osteoarthritis Progression Studies. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). 2015; 30(10):1146-52.

Hatfield GL, Morrison A, Wenman M, Hammond C, Hunt MA. Clinical Tests of Standing Balance in the Knee Osteoarthritis Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Physical Therapy. 2016:96(3):324-7.

Hatfield G, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C. Three-Dimensional Biomechanical Gait Characteristics at Baseline are Associated with Progression to Total Knee Arthroplasty. Arthritis Care and Research (Hoboken). 2015; 67(7):1004-14.

Hubley-Kozey CL and Hatfield Murdock G. OA Bracing: Longer use does not impair strength. Lower Extremity Review. August, 2012.

Hurley S, Hatfield Murdock G, Stanish W, Hubley-Kozey C.Is there a dose response for valgus unloader brace usage on knee pain, function, and muscle strength? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2012; 93(3):496-502.

Hatfield Murdock G, Hubley-Kozey C. Effect of a high intensity quadriceps fatigue protocol on knee joint mechanics and muscle activation during gait in young adults. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2012; 112(2):439-49.

Hatfield GL, Hubley-Kozey CL, Astephen Wilson J, Dunbar M. The effect of total knee arthroplasty on knee joint kinematics and kinetics during gait. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2011; 26(2):309-18.

Hubley-Kozey CL, Hatfield GL, Astephen Wilson J, Dunbar M. Alterations in neuromuscular patterns between pre and one-year post-total knee arthroplasty. Clinical Biomechanics. 2010; 25: 995-1002.

Hubley-Kozey CL, Clarke-Davidson K, Hatfield GL. Temporal co-activation of abdominal muscles during dynamic stability exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2010; 24:1246-55.

Community Engagement

Group fitness instructor with GoodLife Fitness 

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The kinesiology program has not only exposed me to the theory, but has equipped me with a vast amount of practical knowledge, applications, and tools to use in the future. This program has led me to pursue a career in medicine where I can have a positive impact on other and help them live a healthy life.

  • – P.J. Retief
  •    Kinesiology (Class of 2017)