The MACS extended minor can be applied to any degree program, provided the degree accepts extended minors, and is an appropriate complement to several majors offered at 51ÎÛÂþ. For example, students can combine it with a major in English,
Sociology, Sociology/Anthropology, or Visual Arts.
This section specifies the extended minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the specific degree section for information on additional requirements, declaration eligibility, and residency requirements.
Lower-level requirements: 18 credits
MACS 110
Introduction to Communication Studies
MACS 130
Introduction to Digital Media and Communications
MACS 255/ SOC 255
Introduction to Social Research (formerly also offered as ANTH 255) (see Note 2)
An additional six credits of lower-level MACS
One of:
An additional lower-level MACS course
CMNS 180
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
ENGL 208
Creative Writing: Screenwriting
FILM 110
Introduction to Film Studies
Upper-level requirements: 15–16 credits
Eight credits of upper-level MACS
Seven or eight credits of:
Additional upper-level MACS courses
ANTH 401
Visual Anthropology
AH 316
Arts in Context: Gender, Art, and Society
CMNS 300/ JRNL 300
Introduction to the Practice of Journalism (discontinued)
CMNS 301/ JRNL 301
Multimedia Journalism
CMNS 312
Public Relations Campaigns
CMNS 360
Communicating for Change
CMNS 412
Communications Practicum
CRIM 416
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice
ENGL 378
Creative Writing: Advanced Screenwriting
FILM 310
Introduction to Film Theory
FILM 365/JRNL 365/VA 365
Documentary Video Storytelling
PHIL 323
Philosophical Issues in the Social Sciences: Values, Objectivity, and Neutrality (discontinued)
SOC 335
Gender and Gender Relations
Note 1: Students combining a Sociology or Sociology/Anthropology major with a MACS extended minor may count MACS courses towards either the major or the extended minor, but not both. Students pursuing this combination should consult with an Advisor for appropriate course selection.
Note 2: Students counting MACS 255 for their major may substitute for this requirement a minimum of 3 credits from any of the other lower-level courses accepted towards the MACS extended minor.
Media and Communication Studies minor
This minor can be applied to any degree program at 51ÎÛÂþ, provided the degree accepts minors. This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the specific degree section for information on additional requirements, declaration eligibility, and residency requirements.
Lower-level requirements: 12 credits
MACS 110
Introduction to Communication Studies
or MACS 130
Introduction to Digital Media and Communications
An additional six credits of lower-level MACS
One of:
An additional lower-level MACS course
CMNS 180
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
ENGL 208
Creative Writing: Screenwriting
FILM 110
Introduction to Film Studies
Upper-level requirements: 15–16 credits
Eight credits of upper-level MACS
Seven or eight credits of:
Additional upper-level MACS courses
ANTH 401
Visual Anthropology
AH 316
Arts in Context: Gender, Art, and Society
CMNS 300/ JRNL 300
Introduction to the Practice of Journalism (discontinued)
CMNS 301/ JRNL 301
Multimedia Journalism
CMNS 312
Public Relations Campaigns
CMNS 360
Communicating for Change
CMNS 412
Communications Practicum
CRIM 416
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice
ENGL 378
Creative Writing: Advanced Screenwriting
FILM 310
Introduction to Film Theory
FILM 365/JRNL 365/VA 365
Documentary Video Storytelling
PHIL 323
Philosophical Issues in the Social Sciences: Values, Objectivity, and Neutrality (discontinued)
SOC 335
Gender and Gender Relations
Note: Students combining a Sociology or Sociology/Anthropology major with a MACS minor may count MACS courses towards either the major or the minor, but not both. Students pursuing this combination should consult with an Advisor for appropriate course selection.
Students must complete at least 50% of the upper-level credits required in the minor or extended minor at 51ÎÛÂþ.