
Academic Calendar 2024/25


Anthropology extended minor

This section specifies extended minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section and includes the requirements for declaring an extended minor. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at 51ÎÛÂþ in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 18 credits

Course Title Credits
ANTH 102 Culture and Society 3
ANTH 202 Ethnographic Toolkit 3
Plus: Two courses from List 1A 6
Plus: Two courses from List 1A or List 2A 6

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

Course Title Credits
ANTH 301 Thinking Through Culture 4
Plus: One course from List 1B 4
Plus: One course from List 1B or List 2B 4
Plus: One course from List 3 4

Note: A single course cannot be used to satisfy more than one requirement.

Elective lists

List 1A

Course Title Credits
ANTH 210 Gender and Sexuality Across Cultures 3
ANTH 220/ GDS 220 Globalization and Development 3
ANTH 260/ SOC 260 Food for Thought: Food, Culture, and Society 3
ANTH 268 Culture and Environment 3
ANTH 275 Fantastic and Speculative Worlds 3

List 1B

Course Title Credits
ANTH 325/ SOC 325 Culture and Theory of the City 4
ANTH 368/ SOC 368 Power, Inequality, and the Environment 4
ANTH 375/ MACS 375 Global Mediascapes 4
ANTH 388/ SOC 388 Global Indigeneity (formerly also offered as LAS 388) 4
ANTH 470E/ SOC 470E Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism 4

List 2A

Course Title Credits
ANTH 299 Special Topics in Anthropology I 3
ENGL 215 Creative Writing: Creative Non-Fiction 3
GDS 260 Gender and Global Development 3
GEOG 241 Social Geography: The Urban Experience 3
MACS 201 Popular Music and Society (formerly also offered as MUSC 201) 3
MACS 221 Media and Popular Cultures 3
SOC 205 Comparative Societies 3
SOC 247 Culture of Capitalism 3
SOC 254 Writing for the Social Sciences 3
SOC 255/ MACS 255 Introduction to Social Research (formerly also offered as ANTH 255) 3
SOC 270/ ANTH 270/ MACS 270 Dynamics of Racism in Canada 3

List 2B

Course Title Credits
ANTH 360/ SOC 360 Eating and Thinking: Food, Identity, and Power in Global Societies 4
ANTH 367/ ENGL 367 Culture and Theory of Diaspora 4
FILM 313 Indigenous Film 3
GD 304 User Experience Design 3
GDS 330 Humanitarianism and Complex Emergencies (formerly also offered as ANTH 330) 4
GDS 332 Refugees, Displacement, and Development 4
GEOG 312 Nature, Power, and Place 4
GEOG 323 Geography of War, Terrorism, and Peace 4
GEOG 340/ GDS 340 Geographies of Development: Landscapes of Inequality 4
GEOG 346 Geography of Religion and Peacebuilding 4
IPK 344 Research in Action: Indigenous Meaning Making (formerly also offered as ANTH 344/SOC 344) 3
MACS 337/ SOC 337 Taste and Culture 4
MACS 385/ SOC 385 Television and Social Values: The Simpsons 4
POSC 300 Research Design and Methods 3
SOC 330 Culture and Cognition 4
SOC 346 Environmental Justice 4
SOC 356/ MACS 356 Qualitative Research Methods (formerly also offered as ANTH 356) 4
SOC 363/ ANTH 363/ GDS 363/ LAS 363 Processes of Development and Underdevelopment: Latin America 4
VA 365/ FILM 365/ JRNL 365 Documentary Video Storytelling 3

List 3 (Indigenous competency)

Course Title Credits
AH 321 Canada: Contact Zone 4
ANTH 388/ SOC 388 Global Indigeneity (formerly also offered as LAS 388) 4
FILM 313 Indigenous Film 3
IPK 302 Colonial Trauma, Residential Schools, and Resilience 3
IPK 331/ POSC 331 History of Indigenous Leadership 4
IPK 332 Indigenous Governance and Leadership 3
IPK 344 Research in Action: Indigenous Meaning Making (formerly also offered as ANTH 344/SOC 344) 3
IPK 401 Indigenous Worldviews and Spirituality 3
IPK 477/ BIO 477 Traditional Ecological Knowledges 4
POSC 301 The Canadian State and Indigenous Governance 3
POSC 321 Global Issues in Indigenous Politics 3


Anthropology minor

This section specifies minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section and includes the requirements for declaring a minor. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at 51ÎÛÂþ in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 12 credits

Course Title Credits
ANTH 102 Culture and Society 3
ANTH 202 Ethnographic Toolkit 3
One of: 3
ANTH 111 First Nations of British Columbia – Traditional Cultures  
ANTH 130 Religions and Cultures  
or One course from List 1A or List 2A  
Plus: One course from List 1A 3

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

Course Title Credits
One of: 4
ANTH 301 Thinking Through Culture  
ANTH 368/ SOC 368 Power, Inequality, and the Environment  
ANTH 470E/ SOC 470E Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism  
Plus: One course from List 1B 4
Plus: One course from List 1B or List 2B 4
Plus: One course from List 3 4

Note: A single course cannot be used to satisfy more than one requirement.

Elective lists

Elective lists for the Anthropology minor are the same as those for the Anthropology extended minor.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

Current Students