
Academic Calendar 2024/25

Arts and Integrated Studies

English language proficiency requirements

Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the requirements. Students in ELS or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the with lower levels of language proficiency.

Please note that not all courses are offered every semester.

3 credits

Fundamentals of Higher Education

Prerequisite(s): None.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students develop the skills needed to thrive in diverse and dynamic post-secondary learning environments, contribute to academic conversations, make connections between disciplines, and identify how their education will impact their lives and their communities. Students will become familiar with key academic skills, institutional and faculty expectations, and the supports and programs offered at 51ÎÛÂþ through seminar-style classes, group work, and reflexive assignments.

Note: Students with credit for UNIV 101 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 108

3 credits

Academic Literacy I

Prerequisite(s): None.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Facilitates critical thinking, reading, writing, researching, and speaking skills amongst academic communities. Students learn ways to think critically as members of disciplinary and scholarly communities and use rhetorical discourse analysis for reading, paraphrasing, summarizing, and critiquing peer reviewed academic journal articles. The disciplinary/area and topic foci are tailored to the students in the class.

Note: Students with credit for CSM 108 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 111

3 credits

Foundations of Learning, Reflection, and Academic Success

Prerequisite(s): None.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students practice lateral, convergent, and divergent thinking skills important for academic and professional success. Students explore creativity, innovation, and collaboration as well as learning and technical skills used in university and the workplace.
Note: Students with credit for CSM 104 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 208

3 credits

Academic Literacy II

Prerequisite(s): 30 credits including AIS 108 (formerly CSM 108).

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Builds on critical thinking, rhetorical discourse analysis, researching, reading, writing, and speaking skills learned in AIS 108. Topics are about post-secondary education, and discipline/area foci are student-centred, tailored to interests and/or disciplines of students’ other courses. Students conduct original research of disciplinary textual practices by analyzing academic journal articles.

Note: Students with credit for CSM 208 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 299

3 credits

Professional Practices I

Prerequisite(s): 9 university-level credits.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students identify skills gained from a liberal arts education that equip them to self-manage their lives, work, civic, and global participation while exploring equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the workplace. They produce a personal action plan that connects their university learning to their post-university goals (e.g., career, service, graduate school).

Note: Students with credit for ARTS 101, ARTS 201, ARTS 299, AIS 398, or PORT 398 cannot take this course for further credit.

Note: It is recommended that this be completed within 60 credits of admission to the Bachelor of Arts.

AIS 380

3 credits

Practicum/Internship I

Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, a CGPA of 2.67, and an approved practicum application.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students apply classroom and disciplinary learning to work related to a domestic or international practicum or internship.

Note: This course will be offered under different letter designations (e.g. C-Z). The course may be repeated for credit twice, provided the letter designation differs.

Note: Students with credit for ARTS 380 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 398

3 credits

Professional Practices for Integrated Studies

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Integrated Studies and 60 university-level credits including at least 6 credits completed at 51ÎÛÂþ.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students explore diverse perspectives on the meaning of work, articulate personal and professional values embedded in one’s work, plan for advancement or improved personal career satisfaction, and create an individualized trajectory that bridges university learning and professional practices and expectations.

Note: Students with credit for AIS 299, ARTS 299, PORT 398, or ADED 472 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 399

3 credits

Professional Practices II

Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits including one of ADED 472, AIS 299 (formerly ARTS 299), or AIS 398 (formerly PORT 398).

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students engage in critical professional practice discussions related to the future of work, mentorship, civic engagement, workplace innovation, ethical workplace practices, and career wellbeing and sustainability. They develop strategies for successful transition into post-university life, graduate studies, and/or career advancement.

Note: Students with credit for PORT 399 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 401

3 credits

Reflective Practice: Reconciliation and Reciprocity

Prerequisite(s): Instructor or department permission.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students participate in a community of practice to develop a transfer of learning plan and an individualized reciprocity action plan that supports their reconciliation efforts and relationships toward decolonial futures.

Note: Students with credit for ARTS 401 cannot take this course for further credit.

AIS 480

3 credits

Practicum/Internship II

Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits including (one of AIS 380 [formerly ARTS 380], CMNS 412, CRIM 281, CRIM 480, GDS 210, GEOG 396/GDS 310/SOC 396, GEOG 398/GDS 311/SOC 398, GEOG 412, GEOG 460, HIST 401, SPAN 280, SPAN 281, SPAN 380, or SPAN 381), a CGPA of 2.67, and an approved practicum application.

Corequisite(s): None.

Pre- or corequisite(s): None.

Students advance their workplace skill development and transfer classroom and disciplinary learning domestic or international work integrated learning experiences.

Note: Students cannot take AIS 480 more than once.

Note: Students with credit for ARTS 480 cannot take this course for further credit.

Last updated: May 14, 2024

Current Students
