
Academic Calendar 2023/24



Chemistry Honours

Entrance requirements

Minimum GPA of 3.33 and completion of three 300-level chemistry courses each with a grade of B or better.

How to apply

Students in the Chemistry major program who wish to enter the Chemistry Honours program must submit an application form at the end of their third year to the chemistry department head (contact the departmental assistant to obtain the form). Prospective Honours students must also identify a faculty member in the Chemistry department who is willing to supervise their CHEM 499 research project. Students should approach faculty members during their third year to discuss possible research projects.

Program outline

This section specifies the Chemistry Honours discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Science section for information on additional requirements.

Lower-level requirements

Course Title Credits
CHEM 113 Principles of Chemistry I 5
CHEM 114 Principles of Chemistry II 5
CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry I 4
CHEM 214 Organic Chemistry II 4
CHEM 221 Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 224 Atoms, Molecules, Spectra 4
CHEM 241 Analytical Chemistry 4
COMP 150 Computer Programming 4
or COMP 152 Introduction to Structured Programming  
MATH 111 Calculus I 4
MATH 112 Calculus II 4
or MATH 118 Calculus II for Life Sciences  
MATH 211 Calculus III 3
PHYS 111 Mechanics 5
PHYS 112 Electricity and Magnetism 5
STAT 106 Statistics I 4
or MATH 270/ STAT 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics  

Upper-level requirements

Course Title Credits
CHEM 311 Intermediate Organic Chemistry I 4
CHEM 320 Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 3
CHEM 324 Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics 4
CHEM 325 Inorganic Chemistry Labratory 2
CHEM 341 Instrumental Analysis/Applied Spectroscopy 4
CHEM 350 Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory 3
CHEM 499 Honours Research and Thesis in Chemistry 12
Plus: Additional chemistry courses numbered 400 or higher 6

Graduation requirements

A minimum final GPA of 3.33 is required, calculated for the 132 credits used towards the degree. All BSc general requirements must also be completed.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

Current Students